Friday, July 10, 2009

Singapore millionaire finds long-lost wife

KUALA LUMPUR, July 10 — A 62-year-old Singapore-born millionaire looking for his long-lost wife and son in Malaysia has apparently found the woman. Read More

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dua'a Mashlool - For Paralysis, Stroke, Lumpuh

This du-a'a known as "supplication of the youth stricken for his sin," is quoted from the work of Kaf-ami and from Muhaj al Da-wat by Sayyid ibn tawus.

Through Imam Hussain(as) it is reported that one day he and his father, after performing Hajj, caught sight of a paralysed young man crying his eyes out in repentance. They went near to console him and find out the reason of his sorry plight. He was a habitual sinner, always teased his father, disobeyed him and treated him with contempt.

One day, disgusted, the father invoked curse upon him. So he was affected with paralysis. Then and there Imam Ali ibn abi Talib(as) wrote his dua'a and gave it to him with instruction to recite after Isha salat.

Next day fully cured, he came to Imam Ali and said that he had recited the dua'a as told and went to sleep. He saw the Holy prophet(sa) in the dream. The holy prophet, gently touched his body with his hand and asked him to remember this dua'a as it contain ismi azam (the great name of Allah).

Recite this dua'a after Isha salat. It brings countless blessings. All your legitimate desires will be fulfilled;

a) It drives away poverty and sickness.
b) Sins are forgiven.
c) Debts are cleared.
d) Enemies become friends.
e) Domestic affairs are set aright.
f) Disputes are settled in your favour.
g) Prisoners are set free mental worries disappear.
h) Prosperity, sound mind and healthy body stand by you at all times.

Part of the Dua'a:-

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Click here for the background of this Dua'a - Dua-E-Mashlool Prayer Of The Paralytic

Iran - Persian Cooking

Kebab kobedeh shabdol-azeem ray city iran

Some iranian foods

Khoresht Gheime - خورشت قیمه

Wonderful and delicious food including Persian cuisine.

Makkah and its Significance

Makkah is and has been the center of the earth from the beginning of time and during the period of the Prophet Muhammad it was turn into the Qiblat (direction) for mankind to worship Allah. Evidence are plenty around the city of Makkah which proven it to be the oldest city ever built on earth. People from the Arab jazeera as well as around the world ply the trade route there and made Makkah the center of trading as well as worshipers. Read More

Well of Zamzam

The well is situated 21 meters from the Kabah. It is hand excavated and is about 30 meters deep, with an internal diameter ranging from 1.08 to 2.66 m

Abraham took Hagar and her son, Ishmael to a place near the Kabah; he left them under a tree at the site of Zamzam. No one lived in Makkah back then, yet Abraham made them sit there, leaving them with some dates, and a small water-skin. Thereafter he set out towards home. Ishmael's mother followed him saying:

'O Abraham! Where are you going! There is no person whose company we may enjoy, nor is there anything to take pleasure in.'

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Iran: Undercover Fashion In Iran

Underground Fashion Shows Thrive in Islamic Iran

Al Hambra Palace - Andalusia

Al-Andalus : Alhambra Palace - Amazing videos are here

Al-Andalus (Arabic: الأندلس) was the Arabic name given to those parts of the Iberian Peninsula governed by Muslims, at various times in the period between 711 and 1492. It refers to the Umayyad Caliphate province (711-750), Emirate of Cordoba (c. 750-929) and Caliphate of Cordoba (929-1031) and its "taifa" ("successor") kingdoms.

The Alhambra (Arabic: الحمراء ; literally "the red") is a palace and fortress complex of the Moorish monarchs of Granada, in southern Spain (known as Al-Andalus when the fortress was constructed), occupying a hilly terrace on the south-eastern border of the city of Granada. It was the residence of the Muslim kings of Granada and their court, but is currently a museum exhibiting exquisite Islamic architecture.

Related Video:
An Islamic History of Europe

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Spanish Andalusia Olive Trees

Olive trees field after fire.

Near the town of Baeza in the Province of Jaen in Andalusia, Spain, the landscape is dotted with a mass of olive trees which thrive in the warm sun. Olive trees have been around since 3500 BC and will easily produce fruit even when planted in the most unproductive land. The olive tree has been known throughout the world as a symbol of wisdom and peace with various religious beliefs behind it.

Photo taken on 28th of June 2009.


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Misteri Istilah Wahabi, Adakah 'Misteri'?

Dalam ruangan rencana, akhbar Mingguan Malaysia 5 Julai 2009 (semalam: klik sini) seorang ahli akademik menulis sebuah artikel pendek dengan judul 'Misteri Istilah Wahabi'. Artikel tersebut dapat difahami menerusi nadanya adalah bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kelompok wahabi.

Usaha beliau memberi sisi pandang yang positif terhadap wahabi menerusi artikel tersebut adalah merupakan hak beliau untuk berhujah yang diraikan. Hak yang sama harus diberikan untuk memberi pula sisi pandang yang negatif terhadap wahabi. Saya akan memberikan sisi pandang tersebut di sini.

Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang misteri pada kalimat Wahabi. Ia hanyalah satu usaha defensif yang sia-sia. Kita telah lama mengetahui perangai wahabi. al-Marhum Ustaz Wan Mohd Shaghir telah mengajar kita, tulis Allahyarham:

“Pada abad-abad yang berikutnya tokoh yang paling banyak membicarakan supaya umat Islam kembali kepada aqidah salaf ialah Ibnu Taimiyah. Dilanjutkan oleh muridnya Ibnul Qaiyim al-Jauziyah. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, daripada beliau inilah dinisbahkan istilah kaum wahabi oleh golongan yang tidak menyetujui fahamannya. Dalam proses yang begitu lama golongan yang tersebut memang ditolak oleh ulama sedunia dari semua mazhab termasuk juga ulama dunia Melayu kerana yang disebarkan oleh mereka adalah dianggap bertentangan dengan ahlus sunnah wal jamaah. Hal tersebut, baik ulama dunia luar atau pun ulama dunia Melayu, bukannya menolak aliran salafi akan tetapi yang tidak meyakinkan ialah fahaman yang diajarkan oleh mereka itu belum tentu sesuai dengan ajaran salaf yang sebenarnya.”

Sila rujuk lanjut al marhum Ustaz Wan Mohd Shaghir Abdullah, Penutup Perdebatan Islam Alaf Kedua di Dunia Melayu, Khazanah Fathaniyah, Kuala Lumpur, 1999.

Dari blog sda Faisal tehrani
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Malaysia Hits

Sebuah Dokumentari Yang Harus Ditonton oleh Ahli Gerakan Islam

DEMOKRASI. Kebebasan. Hak asasi. Inilah yang dijual oleh Amerika Syarikat kepada dunia. Untuk tujuan itu, Amerika Syarikat akan turut mendanai kumpulan tertentu di negara yang disasarkan. Apabila negara tersebut jatuh ke tangan Amerika Syarikat, segala kemewahan akan disedut oleh sang kapitalis, dan yang mendapat keuntungan serta kelebihan ialah masyarakat kelas atasan, golongan kaya dan hartawan.


nilah yang sedang dilakukan oleh NED di Malaysia dan Republik Islam Iran. Adalah tidak mengejutkan Kenneth Timmerman, salah seorang pemikir NED terlanjur mengatakan dalam ucapannya di sebuah majlis di Washington beberapa hari sebelum pengundian di Iran, berbunyi begini: “There’s the talk of a ‘green revolution’ in Tehran.” Gerakan hijau yang beliau maksudkan tidak lain tidak bukan ialah gerakan pembangkang atau reformis yang diketuai Mir Houssein Mousavi. Kempen Mousavi menggunakan warna hijau. Dan kita semua tahu betapa media selama bertahun-tahun menggambarkan Presiden Ahmadinejad sebagai fasis anti Zionis yang tidak cekap mengurus ekonomi.

Tidakkah ada persamaan apa yang menimpa Chavez hampir sepuluh tahun lalu dengan apa yang dilalui Ahmadinejad hari ini? Siapakah pembunuh sebenar Neda, remaja yang ditembak mati oleh penembak hendap dari atas bumbung di Tehran? CNN mendakwa Neda Agha Soltan dibunuh oleh Basiji (kumpulan para militari yang setia kepada Ayatullah Ali Khamanei). Tetapi tidak pernah ada pembuktian

Baca catatan penuh Sda Faisal Tehrani

The War On Democracy

Malaysia Hits

Rudkhan Castle - Iran

By: Ronak foroughi Far

Rud-khan castle (also Rood-khan castle), is a brick and stone medieval castle in Iran.

Located 25 km southwest of Foman city north of Iran in Gilan province, it is a military complex which had been constructed during the Seljuk Dynasty by the followers of Ismā'īlī sect. The Castle is built on two tips of a mount, with an area of 50,000 square metres. Its architects have benefited from natural mountainous features in the construction of the fort.

A river known as `Rudkhan Castle River' also exists near the castle, which originates from the surrounding heights and flows from south to north. After crossing a mountainous winding route with dense forests, the first thing that one notices about the castle is its big entrance gate.

Rudkhan Castle sits at the two peaks of a mountain at elevations of 715 and 670 meters and contains strong fortifications and battlements at a length of 1,550 meters. The castle's 42 towers still stand intact.

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دوستان عزیز کمکی از دست من بر بیاد کوتاهی نمی کنم عاشق همه ایرانیهای پاک هستم

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

10 Effective Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers

Malaysia Hits

The question I seem to be getting over and over these days is…

How did you get 6,000 subscribers in 10 months?

The answer is simple—I value subscribers more than any other measure of blog success, such as page views or raw traffic. Subscribers are the life blood of a successful blog in my opinion, and frankly, I wish I had more of them. :)

OK, that may be a bit vague.

So here are 10 specific strategies you can begin to implement today and start getting more blog subscribers right away.

1. Make it easy and obvious

As I’ve said before in more detail, make your subscription options prominent, offer an email alternative to RSS, and ask for the subscription, preferably at the bottom of each post.

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Malaysia Hits

How to Write an Ebook that Sells ?

Malaysia Hits

You’ll see one theme come up again and again on Copyblogger. If you want to create real revenue with your blog, you need to have something worthwhile to sell.

Most sites are disappointed by the nickels and dimes that come in from advertising. If your site gets massive amounts of traffic, it can work, but if not, you’ll want to find a much more profitable source of revenue.

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Malaysia Hits

How To Build A Unique Website

Malaysia Hits

Unique visitors (aka absolute unique visitors) -- slanged down to "uniques" -- refers to the number of people who land on an Internet property in a given period, throwing out all repeat visits. Someone who calls up a site 10 times counts the same as another person who visits once.

The other major measure is total page views, a raw number that makes Web publishers happy because it's always higher. Both of these measurements come in and out of fashion with advertisers and others keeping score.

(If you publish a web site or blog, Google Analytics should be your traffic tracker. It's free and it's remarkable. Google now links AdSense with the Analytics, a vaguely creepy concept that makes the data even more robust.)

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Malaysia Hits

Human Embryo Formation

Malaysia Hits

Watch You Tube: Cell To Embryo


1) Fertilization

2) 2 weeks

3) 3 weeks

4,5 & 6) 4 weeks

7) 5 weeks

8) 7 weeks

9) 9-13 weeks, 10) 15-19 weeks

11) 38 weeks

Malaysia Hits

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Virtual Gaza

A great civic media initiative by a collective of scholars, media activists, and Palestinian residents of Gaza and others from Harvard the MIT Media Lab.

Virtual Gaza is a 2D website that employs Wikimapia and Google earth images to create an online space where visitors can break the siege, albeit virtually. It is a space where "ordinary Palestinians under siege can describe their experiences in their own words, and where the destruction of the Gaza strip can be documented by those experiencing it directly."
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From USA to Israel


1. Israeli forces open fire ... in Khoza’a

2. Attacks Gazan Fishermen

REVOLUSI “ESKATOLOGIS” ISLAM (Bertamasya ke Negeri Ayatullah)

Oleh : Ahmad Wasim*

Berbeda dengan Revolusi yang lainnya seperti Revolusi Perancis, Revolusi Kebudayaan Cina, Revolusi Rusia 1917, Revolusi Kuba 1959 dan revolusi-revolusi yang lain-lainya, Islam memiliki ciri khas (distinct) revolusinya sendiri.

Revolusi Islam tidak seperti konsep determinisme (kepastian sejarah/takdir) dan meterialisme-nya Marx atau laisses faire (kebebasan karsa) dan meterialisme-industrinya Eropa. Islam mempunyai filsafat perubahan (philosophy of change)-nya sendiri. Revolusi Islam tidak di dasarkan kepada ekstrimisme, perjuangan kelas, materi dan lainnya dari revolusi yang mereka lakukan. Akan tetapi Revolusi Islam lebih mencari akar terwujudnya dari keyakinan ideology atau pemahaman yang mendalam tentang Islam. Read More

How to Make Money Online with

Easy Money Sharing Videos

Meta Café is a great site that I just found out about. Think You Tube but they actually pay you. As a matter of fact, they pay you $5 per every 1000 views your video gets. If you've spent any significant time on
You Tube or any other video sharing sites, then you already know that 1000 views is easily obtainable. There are some simple guidelines that need be met in order to qualify for payment, but nothing too stringent. Read More

Futuristic Car

Japanese Future Cars - The most amazing home videos are here

Auto Parking - Funny videos are here

Smartcar with Hayabusa Engine Drifting - More free videos are here

Exotic Cars 2008- I Put On - The best bloopers are a click away

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