Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bolton says it right: we should attack Iran and depose of Ahmedinejad

Sunday, September 30, 2007

John Bolton spoke to the British Tories and had the following to say:

Former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told Tory delegates in Britain Sunday that efforts by the UK and the EU to negotiate with Iran had failed and that he saw no alternative to a pre-emptive strike on suspected nuclear facilities in the country.
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Medvedev says Iran, DPRK nuke issues different

Mission Of Operation 444 Days Failed?

Want To Meet Prophet SAWW At Heaven?

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Antara simptom-simptom buasir adalah :
  • pendarahan semasa membuang air besar tetapi tiada rasa sakit (warna darah yang cerah dapat dilihat pada tisu tandas ataupun mangkuk tandas)
  • gatal-gatal atau beradang
  • sakit atau rasa tidak selesa
  • bengkak pada sekeliling anus
  • ketulan yang menyakitkan disekitar dubur

Biasanya simptom-simptom buasir bergantung pada tempat sama ada buasir dalaman (internal hemorrhoid) ataupun buasir luaran (external hemorrhoid).

Bilakah Perlu Berjumpa Doktor?

Pendarahan ketika membuang air besar merupakan tanda utama buasir .Tetapi keadaan ini boleh berlaku pada penyakit lain seperti kanser usus dan kanser anus.Bukan semua pendarahan datang daripada penyakit buasir,oleh sebab itu bejumpalah doktor dengan segera jika ada perubahan pada rutin perkumuhan anda ataupun jika najis kehitaman atau merah pekat atau najis berdarah.Keadaan tinja akan memberikan gambaran tahap pendarahan yang dialami.Rawatan kecemasan perlu jika anda mengalami pendarahan yang terlalu banyak,muntah-muntah,pening,atau tidak sedarkan diri.
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Sulphur Bath, Ayone?

Bursa in western Turkey, Monticelli outside the gates of Parma, Italy, and Digne-les-Bains in southern France have something in common.

They are the locations of sulphur springs, which promise vacationers a particularly healthy experience. Sulphur usually is employed today in the form of thermal baths. The beneficial, pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effects on the body are due to many factors.

"As with all thermal baths, the warmth of the water has an initial effect," said Wolfgang Brueckle, chief physician of a German rheumatism clinic.

"The warming effect of the water is increased through the hydrogen sulphide. This is clearly visible in the reddening of the skin."

The muscles throughout the entire body relax and the body’s connective tissue is more flexible. The blood vessels widen, the pulse and metabolism increase. Blood flow to the skin increases, which leads to an improvement in the absorption of oxygen and minerals. Sulphide enters the blood through the skin, and where needed, it contributes to the healing process, inhibits some joint inflammation or helps in the reconstruction of articular cartilage.

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Rais: No Plan to Register Bloggers

Husna Yusop and Giam Say Khoon

KUALA LUMPUR (June 18, 2009) :

The government has no plans to list or register bloggers and they are still free to post information on the internet, Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said today (pics).

"There are various processes of disseminating information these days. Whatever the authorities do, the websites are still free to post any information on the Internet.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Briyani Rice Recipes


Sumber gambar: Utusan Malaysia


Sunday, June 14, 2009

The U.S. on Saturday refused to accept hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's claim of a landslide re-election victory in Iran and said it was looking into allegations of election fraud.

Any hopes by the Obama administration of gaining a result similar to Lebanon's recent election, won by a Western-backed moderate coalition, appeared to be in jeopardy.

"We are monitoring the situation as it unfolds in Iran, but we, like the rest of the world, are waiting and watching to see what the Iranian people decide," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said at a news conference with Canada's foreign affairs minister, Lawrence Cannon. Read More

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wiladah Fatimah Az Zahrah (s,a)

Salah satu pengikut Imam Jakfar as-Shadiq AS telah dikaruniai seorang anak perempuan, kemudian beliau bertanya kepadanya: “Engkau telah memberikan nama apa kepadanya?”.

Ia menjawab: “Fathimah ”.

Mendengar itu Imam AS bersabda: “Fathimah, salam sejahtera atas Fathimah. Karena engkau telah menamainya Fathimah maka hati-hatilah. Jangan sampai engkau memukulnya, mengucapkan perkataan buruk kepadanya, dan muliakanlah ia.”

From Moscow With Love

Israel Vs Gaza ?

Anda Suka Milo?

Dato Shahrir sedang menikmati Milo dihadapan

Sumber rujukan : InMinds >> Semasa kita umat Islam Malaysia masih setia menggunakan produk Nestle menjadi sebahagian darah daging kita, syarikat itu telah bekerjasama dengan syarikat pengeluar makanan dari Israel iaitu Osem Investment pada tahun 2000 untuk membina sebuah fasiliti R&D di Sderot, Israel.

Milo dan Nescafe Menjadi Darah Daging Umat Islam Malaysia ?

Bukan satu rahsia bahawa rakyat Malaysia adalah pengguna terbesar minuman Milo di dunia. Fakta ini dijelaskan apabila Nestle menerima anugerah Pingat Emas untuk Malaysia-Canada Business Excellence Award ( klik untuk lihat gambar ) pada 2006. Dinyatakan pada laman web itu:

Malaysia consumes 90% of worldwide consumption of Milo. It is so popular that almost all households have a tin of Milo and it would be almost impossible to find a restaurant that doesn't sell Milo beverages.

Terjemahannya di sini:

Malaysia menggunakan 90% daripada penggunaan Milo di seluruh dunia. Ianya amat popular sehingga hampir setiap rumah mempunyai satu tin Milo dan hampir mustahil untuk mencari restoran yang tidak menghidangkan minuman Milo. Read More

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