Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sulphur Bath, Ayone?

Bursa in western Turkey, Monticelli outside the gates of Parma, Italy, and Digne-les-Bains in southern France have something in common.

They are the locations of sulphur springs, which promise vacationers a particularly healthy experience. Sulphur usually is employed today in the form of thermal baths. The beneficial, pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effects on the body are due to many factors.

"As with all thermal baths, the warmth of the water has an initial effect," said Wolfgang Brueckle, chief physician of a German rheumatism clinic.

"The warming effect of the water is increased through the hydrogen sulphide. This is clearly visible in the reddening of the skin."

The muscles throughout the entire body relax and the body’s connective tissue is more flexible. The blood vessels widen, the pulse and metabolism increase. Blood flow to the skin increases, which leads to an improvement in the absorption of oxygen and minerals. Sulphide enters the blood through the skin, and where needed, it contributes to the healing process, inhibits some joint inflammation or helps in the reconstruction of articular cartilage.

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